Tag Archives: sister

How Are Religious Institutes Obliged to Support Members Who Leave?

Q: My work includes much interaction with women religious. Is there any guidance in canon law that provides for a religious who professed vows with their institute and then had to leave?  I thought that canon law required a certain … Continue reading

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Do Sisters Have to Wear Their Habits?

Q: When I was a child in Catholic school, the nuns all wore full habits which reached all the way down to the floor.  Nowadays we’re lucky if they’ll even wear a cross that identifies them as a nun and … Continue reading

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Can a Bishop Expel a Sister from his Diocese?

Q:  There’s a battle going on in our diocese, between our bishop and a group of sisters who teach in X school….  Does the bishop have the authority to kick a sister out of the diocese, if her Mother Superior … Continue reading

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