Tag Archives: Catholic

Homeschooling and Catechetics (Part II)

Q:  I’m trying to get my son confirmed, but I have to send him to the baptist non-Catholic youth ministry (sic).  Why is it called Catholic youth ministry (CYM)?  Why don’t the children have catechism anymore?  I am homeschooling my … Continue reading

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When Can a Catholic Church Charge Visitors an Entrance Fee?

Q:  During a visit to a city in Europe, we went to attend evening Mass at the city’s cathedral. During the day, it is visited by many tourists and has an entrance fee to support the maintenance of the building. … Continue reading

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How Can Arranged Marriages be Valid?

Q: While doing journalistic research recently, I was shocked to discover that even in this day and age, there are some countries and cultures where parents still arrange their children’s marriages.  The bride and groom don’t know each other, and … Continue reading

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How Are Religious Institutes Obliged to Support Members Who Leave?

Q: My work includes much interaction with women religious. Is there any guidance in canon law that provides for a religious who professed vows with their institute and then had to leave?  I thought that canon law required a certain … Continue reading

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Archbishop Viganó and the Extrajudicial Process

Q:   Ok, as per Archbishop Viganó what is an “extrajudicial penal trial”?  If it is extrajudicial, how can it be a trial? That sounds like being called into the principal’s office, not appearing before a magistrate. Do we assume they … Continue reading

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