Q: There are things taking place in the “sanctuary” of my parish church that I feel are inappropriate… and not in line with the teachings of the Catholic Church.
The modern worship space was built in the early 1990s…. The worship space, because it is so open, is used as an auditorium for various parish activities. The “sanctuary” is made into a stage where the Fall Festival talent show and drawing for prizes are done, and Vacation Bible School large group activities are held each summer. There are also monthly concerts put on by the parish music director performed in the worship space. The altar is pushed to the back wall, along with the crucifix, and ambo.
I sent a letter to the Archbishop… as of today, I have not received a response. Is there something in Canon Law that says that the sanctuary is a sacred place because that is where Holy Mass is celebrated and the bread and wine become the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Christ? It concerns me that there is little reverence shown for what is supposed to be a holy place. –Eileen Continue reading