Q: Some ladies at our parish are all aflutter because they read somewhere that the Vatican has changed the rules on translation of liturgical rites into the vernacular. Specifically, bishops are now permitted to translate the Mass and other rites without the Vatican’s involvement, or so these ladies heard.
I told them that I really doubt the Vatican did that, because it would mean any bishop could change just about any word in the Mass and the rites of the sacraments … [and] that could affect the validity of the sacraments, like you mentioned in “Is My Confession Valid, If the Priest Changes the Words of Absolution?” It seems to me this would also destroy the Church’s unity if every diocese was doing something different.
These ladies, however, insisted to me that they read about this in two different Catholic publications…. Do you know what they’re talking about? Did the Vatican just unleash a whirlwind? –Corinne Continue reading