Canon Law and Priests With Illegitimate Children

Q: What are the canonical effects of a priest fathering a child?  A few priests in my diocese have left over the decades in this situation….

A priest being involved in adultery is undoubtedly a horrible sin, at least in part since it very often involves the breakup of another marriage/family.  But does a priest fathering a child necessarily involve removal from ministry/laicization?  It is certainly a sin, but is it a “canonical crime”?  Or is the fact that removal is almost always the case a result of the combination of the priest realizing he now has an obligation to the mother/child that can’t be fulfilled while in ministry and/or the Bishop reacting to scandal? –Patrick Continue reading

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Can Traditional-Rite Priests be Forced to Say the Novus Ordo Mass?

Q:  I am wondering if priests of Ecclesia Dei communities, such as the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest, are subject to the diocesan bishop, specifically prohibitions against celebrating the Tridentine Mass… –Denise Continue reading

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When are Priests Required to Give a Homily?

Q: When does a priest have to preach at Mass?

My wife and I attend daily Mass at the cathedral, where there are three priests who take turns saying the Mass.  One of them preaches every single day, with no exceptions.  The second only preaches on Sundays, and not on other days.  The third always preaches on Sundays and sometimes on other days, sometimes not.

Can you explain this discrepancy?  Thank you…. –Charles Continue reading

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Did Benedict XVI Cover Up Clerical Sexual Abuse?

Q: Can you please explain why in Germany they are attacking the Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, claiming that he covered up child sexual abuse by priests when he was Archbishop of Munich?  Can this be true?  I cannot believe it is possible … as Pope he fought against pedophile priests….—Gianni Continue reading

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Is it a Sacrilege to Hit a Priest?

Q: When I was a child, I learned that it would be a sacrilege to strike a Catholic priest.  He is a man of God and over the centuries the Church has considered him to be sacrosanct, or so we were told.

Is this true today?  I’m imagining in particular what might happen if a dad discovered that a priest had molested his child.  I know we aren’t supposed to take justice into our own hands, but personally I would be sympathetic if I heard that an enraged parent had attacked a molester-priest…  It sounds like a lopsided and unjust system, whereby a priest could commit a horrible crime and yet Catholics wouldn’t be allowed to touch him… –Bob Continue reading

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