Category Archives: Crimes and Sanctions

Does an Excommunicated Priest Administer Valid Sacraments? (Part II)

(Part I of this article was posted on April 28, 2022, and can be read here.) We have been discussing a scenario described to us by John, who wanted to know if his confirmation was administered invalidly.  John was concerned … Continue reading

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Does an Excommunicated Priest Administer Valid Sacraments? (Part I)

Q:  I was confirmed as an adult convert by a priest who had faculties to do so.  Recently, I have noticed that this priest has voiced his personal opinions about Pope Francis that are arguably schismatic. For example, that the … Continue reading

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Canon Law and Priests With Illegitimate Children

Q: What are the canonical effects of a priest fathering a child?  A few priests in my diocese have left over the decades in this situation…. A priest being involved in adultery is undoubtedly a horrible sin, at least in … Continue reading

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Is it a Sacrilege to Hit a Priest?

Q: When I was a child, I learned that it would be a sacrilege to strike a Catholic priest.  He is a man of God and over the centuries the Church has considered him to be sacrosanct, or so we … Continue reading

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Can a Catholic Sue the Church in Civil Court?

Q: Does a person have the right, both moral and legal, under canon law, to sue a Church Institution and/or the individuals in authority over the institutions in civil court, whether they be bishops or lay persons?  In particular, I’m … Continue reading

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