Category Archives: Crimes and Sanctions

When is it Okay to Go to an SSPX Mass?

Q: My parents (devout Catholics) have been attending an SSPX Mass on Sundays. I have always understood that SSPX churches are not licit options for a Roman Catholic. I have read your posts, and showed them to my parents, but … Continue reading

Posted in Baptism, Confession, Crimes and Sanctions, Holy Mass, Parish Life, Sacraments, The Eucharist | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on When is it Okay to Go to an SSPX Mass?

When Does Disobedience Constitute Schism?

Q:  I am president of a student organization associated with our local diocese, which is served by a chaplain, and occasionally Mass is celebrated.  In the past, the Mass has been celebrated on our college campus, in a general-use chapel, … Continue reading

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Why Would a Catholic Cleric Desecrate an Altar?

Q: Probably you already know all about the priest in New Orleans who desecrated the altar of his parish together with a couple of prostitutes….  The bishop announced that he had the altar burned and would consecrate a new one.  … Continue reading

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When Can a Pastor be Removed From Office?

Q:  In this article you mentioned in passing that a bishop can’t remove the pastor of a parish just because the pastor does something the bishop doesn’t like.  Can you elaborate? I ask because in Wales a pastor was castigated … Continue reading

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Are We Under Interdict? Sanctions, Part V

Q:  Are we under interdict, and if so what kind? This website taught me everything I know about interdicts.  They way I read the article, here in [my diocese] we are under particular local interdict: Public liturgy cancelled, throughout the whole … Continue reading

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