Q: I recently met a nice fellow, who wants to be catechist. I inquired a bit more into his faith life and learned that he attends Mass “at least once a month” that is not every Sunday, which shocked me. I told him that weekly Mass is the beginning of serious faith life and sent him an article about Mass attendance obligation.
He responded that a long time ago, after he married, he told his parish priest that he cannot attend Mass every Sunday, because his wife (not Christian) is not happy about it. When I ask what impedes him going to Mass, he basically said that his wife wants him to be at home or they have some different activities outside.
I know that the parish priest can give dispensation for Sunday Mass attendance, but do not understand details of this dispensation. Can you enlighten me on this point? –Patrik
A: Patrik is a seminarian, engaged in parish work in a non-Christian country with only a tiny Catholic population. As a future priest, he is quite understandably bewildered about this situation, since it seems to suggest that parish priests have a lot more power, and the Sunday Mass obligation has a lot less importance than he thought! There are actually two separate issues here: the first involves dispensations in general, and the second involves the authority of a parish priest to grant one like this. Continue reading →
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