Q: I read your “Obedience and Canon 1752,” about the people in Texas who claim God is telling them the Pope is a usurper. It led me to wonder: did the bishop of that diocese ever investigate their alleged claims to divine apparitions? Did he establish whether God really is speaking to them or they’re lying frauds? It doesn’t sound like the bishop ever stopped to consider that maybe they’re having genuine mystical experiences. Do you know if there was any diocesan investigation?
… I’m not saying that these people are legit. Their disobedience instantly tells me their messages are not from God. However, it would be more helpful for the bishop to tell the public that these alleged claims to apparitions from God are based on mental illness or daydreams or fakery, based on an impartial investigation into the facts. In my opinion this would be a more factual message to the diocese than “I didn’t like what they’re saying, so I told them to be quiet, and they refused.” It would be easier for ordinary Catholics to accept too, I think… —Rosie Continue reading