Q1: It seems like this year [2019] the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception is transferred to December 9, Monday. So, we have a kind of double obligation. (I know that in some countries bishops lift the obligation in such cases, but not in my country.)
But on December 8 I’m going to attend the Traditional Latin Mass, where, according to the 1962 rubrics, the feast of the Immaculate Conception outranks the 2nd Sunday of Advent and stays on December 8. December 9 is then a feria. What are my obligations in this case? –Maksim
Q2: I am canonically Roman Catholic, but regularly attend a Ruthenian Catholic parish church. I originally thought that I would have to still conform to the Roman Code of Canon Law, but the pastor of my church told me that if I wanted to be byzantine rite, I have to only follow the directives of the Eastern Code of Canon Law and the Ruthenian Bishop and that I can’t try to do both. Is this true? I’ve been following his instructions for the past 3 years but reading some articles, I’ve seen it suggested that I am still bound to obey the Latin Code of Canon law and am supposed to attend liturgy on Roman days of obligation. I am genuinely confused on how I am supposed to proceed in both of these matters. –Colin Continue reading →
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