The Enormous Loophole in Traditionis Custodes

Q:  My fellow-parishioners and I are so shocked and hurt by the Holy Father’s deliberate destruction of the Traditional Latin Mass [in Traditionis custodes, his new motu proprio]….  Everyone agrees it’s so badly written, there are many internet articles explaining the document’s inconsistencies as I’m sure you’re aware.  We’re wondering if somehow this can be said to render the document unworkable, because it’s so unclear.  Or maybe there’s a loophole that somehow we can use….  –Ciara Continue reading

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Using (And Misusing) Donations to the Church

Q1: Suppose a parishioner donates an article, such as a crucifix, for the church’s main Crucifix, and it is accepted for that use and purpose.  Does canon 1300, or any other canon, say anything about whether another pastor can decide on his own to relocate the crucifix outside of the church?  Thanks in advance. –Father F.

Q2: My husband and I got into a lively argument with some of our fellow parishioners, after the revelations about misuse of the Peter’s Pence collection.  We took it for granted that no reasonable Catholic would ever give another cent to this collection which is ostensibly intended “for the poor,” when in reality the Vatican turned around and bought London real estate with our donations….  [But] to our utter amazement, other parishioners accused us of “not trusting in God” and indicated that it is our duty as Catholics to support the Pope’s projects financially no matter what.  Could you comment? –Alexa Continue reading

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Should We Contact the Papal Nuncio?

Q:  Our pastor is being attacked by the bishop….  Is it better to contact the Vatican directly, or do you think we should go through the papal nuncio? –Tess Continue reading

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Can a Latin Catholic Man Enter an Eastern Catholic Seminary?

Q:  My 17-year-old son wishes to pursue his vocation to the priesthood in the Byzantine Rite (having been mostly raised in this rite) even though both of us parents are Roman Rite.

Our Byzantine pastor informs us that we parents will have to formally petition to change rites first, before our son can be admitted to an Eastern Rite seminary.  I am perfectly willing to take this step.  My wife, however, is unwilling to do so.

Although the rite of the father seems to have precedence in most cases, I cannot find any example in canon law that addresses the issue precisely like our situation.

So my question is, can my son change rites if only I change to Byzantine Rite? –Timothy Continue reading

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When Does Disobedience Constitute Schism?

Q:  I am president of a student organization associated with our local diocese, which is served by a chaplain, and occasionally Mass is celebrated.  In the past, the Mass has been celebrated on our college campus, in a general-use chapel, even though there is a magnificent church built in the gothic revival style a few blocks away.  I made the decision to inform the group that since there was no need for us to have Mass on campus, we would carpool to the church.  I cited your article, “Does Mass Have to be Said in a Church?”  Now, the chaplain is accusing me of schismatic disobedience because of that decision (his interpretation of canon law and schism appears to be different).

Long story short: does your article apply to this situation? – Richard Continue reading

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