Category Archives: Parish Life

Bishops Interfering in Parish Ministry, Part II

Q:  The bishop of [a diocese in the US] is giving an annual retreat which nearly every priest in the diocese must attend, leaving parishes without priests, daily Mass, and access to the sacraments for four days.  He stated that … Continue reading

Posted in Clergy Issues, Holy Mass, Parish Life, Rights of the Faithful, Sacraments | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Bishops Interfering in Parish Ministry, Part II

Bishops Interfering in Parish Ministry, Part I

Q: I am a priest in the Diocese of X….  Our bishop has told us pastors that we must all submit our schedule of Masses to his office for approval.  He has mandated a maximum number of Masses we pastors … Continue reading

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Preventing Desecration of the Eucharist

Q:  My diocese has seen a spate of attempted thefts of the Eucharist.  Usually this happens when someone receives the Host and tries to put It into his/her pocket.  Once, though, someone approached a deacon with money and tried to … Continue reading

Posted in Crimes and Sanctions, Holy Mass, Parish Life, The Eucharist | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Preventing Desecration of the Eucharist

Is Confession Still an Easter Duty? (Repost)

(Lately, given the season, there have been quite a lot of web-searches for “Easter duty” leading readers to this site–so it seems feasible to repost this piece again for everyone.  A blessed Easter to all!) Q: When I was a … Continue reading

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Refusing a Funeral Mass to a Non-Parishioner

Q: At our parish the priest is very strict.  If you aren’t registered as a parishioner, he won’t say a funeral Mass for you.  However, he will let you have a funeral service with the deacon if you pay hundreds … Continue reading

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