Category Archives: Holy Mass

When are Priests Required to Give a Homily?

Q: When does a priest have to preach at Mass? My wife and I attend daily Mass at the cathedral, where there are three priests who take turns saying the Mass.  One of them preaches every single day, with no … Continue reading

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Retranslating the Liturgy: Pope Francis Changes the Law (Episcopal Authority, Part I)

Q: Some ladies at our parish are all aflutter because they read somewhere that the Vatican has changed the rules on translation of liturgical rites into the vernacular.  Specifically, bishops are now permitted to translate the Mass and other rites … Continue reading

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When is it Okay to Go to an SSPX Mass?

Q: My parents (devout Catholics) have been attending an SSPX Mass on Sundays. I have always understood that SSPX churches are not licit options for a Roman Catholic. I have read your posts, and showed them to my parents, but … Continue reading

Posted in Baptism, Confession, Crimes and Sanctions, Holy Mass, Parish Life, Sacraments, The Eucharist | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on When is it Okay to Go to an SSPX Mass?

The Enormous Loophole in Traditionis Custodes

Q:  My fellow-parishioners and I are so shocked and hurt by the Holy Father’s deliberate destruction of the Traditional Latin Mass [in Traditionis custodes, his new motu proprio]….  Everyone agrees it’s so badly written, there are many internet articles explaining … Continue reading

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Altar Girls and the Pope’s New Document

Q:  With the Pope’s Spiritus Domini document, the girls of our country are enthusiastic in becoming altar girls.  But after reading your article “Canon Law and Altar Girls” and Spiritus Domini, I understood that the Acolyte and Lector ministries which … Continue reading

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