Category Archives: Clergy Issues

When Can a Bishop Lawfully Transfer a Pastor to Another Parish?

Q:  I belong to a very large parish… Up until a couple of years ago we had an excellent pastor who was not only well-liked by nearly everyone in the parish, but had many years of experience, and was instrumental … Continue reading

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Becoming a Hermit in the 21st Century

Q: I’m a priest of the diocese of X. Presently, I’m considering becoming a hermit according to canon 603.  The process seems far more difficult than incardinating into another diocese or religious order….  Under what circumstances can the bishop refuse … Continue reading

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Bishops Interfering in Parish Ministry, Part II

Q:  The bishop of [a diocese in the US] is giving an annual retreat which nearly every priest in the diocese must attend, leaving parishes without priests, daily Mass, and access to the sacraments for four days.  He stated that … Continue reading

Posted in Clergy Issues, Holy Mass, Parish Life, Rights of the Faithful, Sacraments | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Bishops Interfering in Parish Ministry, Part II

Bishops Interfering in Parish Ministry, Part I

Q: I am a priest in the Diocese of X….  Our bishop has told us pastors that we must all submit our schedule of Masses to his office for approval.  He has mandated a maximum number of Masses we pastors … Continue reading

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Can I Become a Priest, If I Have an Illegitimate Child?

Q1: I have been discerning a call to the priesthood … [and] I have met with the vocations director and the bishop of this diocese.  The bishop said I cannot be ordained a priest because I have a child out … Continue reading

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