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About the author
Cathy Caridi, J.C.L., is an American canon lawyer who practices law and teaches in Rome. She founded this website to provide clear answers to canonical questions asked by ordinary Catholics, without employing all the mysterious legalese that canon lawyers know and love. In the past Cathy has published articles both in scholarly journals and on various popular Catholic websites, including Real Presence Communications and Catholic Exchange.-
Canon lawyers are not responsible for the content of canon law. The Supreme Legislator is. Only Pope Francis can change the Code of Canon Law, so if you're not happy with what the law says, please take it up with him.
Please check the Archives first–it’s likely your question was already addressed.
Unsigned/anonymous questions are not read, much less answered (why is it necessary even to mention this?).
Tag Archives: priest
Can Church Officials Require Us to Get Vaccinated?
Q1: My daughter attends [a Catholic university whose president is a Catholic priest] and he announced that all students are required to get vaccinated against covid. We are stunned. Does a Catholic school, which I assume is governed by canon … Continue reading
Posted in Clergy Issues, Rights of the Faithful
Tagged bishop, canon law, Catholic, monastery, nun, priest, seminarian, university, vaccinated, vaccine
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Why Would a Bishop Refuse to Ordain a Seminarian?
Q: I was a seminarian for nearly five years, and in fifth year I was suddenly and unexpectedly dismissed as a seminarian by the bishop. He gave me three reasons for the dismissal, each of which I protested. For example, … Continue reading
Posted in Clergy Issues, Holy Orders, Sacraments
Tagged canon law, Catholic, ordain, ordination, priest, priesthood, seminarian, seminary
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How Many Masses Can a Priest Say on Sundays?
Q1: I recently received notice from a local parish that since the state has ordered that no more than ten people may attend any religious service, there will only be one Mass on Sunday. It said a priest can only … Continue reading
Posted in Clergy Issues, Holy Mass, Parish Life
Tagged canon law, Catholic, Christmas, clergy, holyday of obligation, Mass, Masses, priest, Sunday
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What Happens When a Religious Who’s Vowed Poverty Becomes a Bishop?
Q: As for religious order priests or bishops, who normally take the three traditional vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, how does ordination to the episcopate change the requirement that they observe their vows? E.g., a Franciscan who is vowed … Continue reading
Posted in Clergy Issues
Tagged bishop, canon law, Catholic, obedience, priest, religious institute, vow of poverty
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Why Would a Catholic Cleric Desecrate an Altar?
Q: Probably you already know all about the priest in New Orleans who desecrated the altar of his parish together with a couple of prostitutes…. The bishop announced that he had the altar burned and would consecrate a new one. … Continue reading
Posted in Clergy Issues, Crimes and Sanctions, Parish Life
Tagged altar, Bella Dodd, canon law, Catholic, desecrate, infiltrate, infiltration, priest, suspension
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