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About the author
Cathy Caridi, J.C.L., is an American canon lawyer who practices law and teaches in Rome. She founded this website to provide clear answers to canonical questions asked by ordinary Catholics, without employing all the mysterious legalese that canon lawyers know and love. In the past Cathy has published articles both in scholarly journals and on various popular Catholic websites, including Real Presence Communications and Catholic Exchange.-
Canon lawyers are not responsible for the content of canon law. The Supreme Legislator is. Only Pope Francis can change the Code of Canon Law, so if you're not happy with what the law says, please take it up with him.
Please check the Archives first–it’s likely your question was already addressed.
Unsigned/anonymous questions are not read, much less answered (why is it necessary even to mention this?).
Tag Archives: bishop
When (and How Much) Can a Bishop Tax a Parish?
Q1: We found out totally by accident that when we donate money to our parish for any purpose, the diocesan bishop takes more than 10% of it as a tax for diocesan expenses. Even when the parish takes up a … Continue reading
Can the Bishop Cancel Our Annual Parish Fundraiser, Because of the Virus?
Q: A recent discussion with a Protestant friend led me to do some research, and when I visited your website, I saw the many questions about the withholding of Sacraments from the faithful during COVID-19. I was absolutely shocked to … Continue reading
Posted in Clergy Issues, Parish Life
Tagged bishop, canon law, Catholic, fundraiser, parish, virus
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The Virus and the Bishops: Twisting Canon 223 to Further an Agenda
Q: We contacted our bishop in protest, because he is insisting we can only receive Communion in the hand. A canon lawyer replied on his behalf, claiming that Canon 223.2 gives the bishop power to “regulate the exercise of rights … Continue reading
Posted in Rights of the Faithful, Sacraments, The Eucharist
Tagged bishop, canon 223, canon law, Catholic, Communion in the hand, Communion on the tongue, eucharist
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Stressed-Out Shepherds and Ungrateful Parishioners
Q1: Our archbishop issued a decree that we parishioners can satisfy our Sunday Mass obligation on any other day of the week, as a way to lessen the number of people at Mass on Sundays, given that there is still … Continue reading
Posted in Holy Mass, Parish Life, Rights of the Faithful, Sacraments, The Eucharist
Tagged bishop, canon law, Catholic, dispensation, Mass, parish, parishioners, sacraments
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Holy Week in the Era of Coronavirus
Q: The pastor of my parish told me that your recent article is wrong. He says that both Cardinal Sarah [Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship] and Pope Francis approved of the bishops’ decision to cancel all Masses. The … Continue reading
Posted in Clergy Issues, Holy Mass, Parish Life, Rights of the Faithful
Tagged bishop, canon law, Catholic, Easter, Easter vigil, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, Holy Thursday, holy week, Mass, Palm Sunday, priest
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