Why Can’t You Change the Name of a Church?

Q:  If a church was consecrated by the diocesan bishop in the name of a particular saint, can a different bishop later change its name?

I ask because my parish church was consecrated 150 years ago to the Mother of God.  Now the current bishop of our diocese has been reducing the number of parishes because of a shortage of priests, and he has merged our parish with a smaller one nearby and announced that it’s now dedicated to a totally different saint.

We’re trying to figure out how he could do that, just by decreeing it, without reconsecrating the church to the new saint.  Can you enlighten us? –Amber Continue reading

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Becoming a Hermit in the 21st Century

Q: I’m a priest of the diocese of X. Presently, I’m considering becoming a hermit according to canon 603.  The process seems far more difficult than incardinating into another diocese or religious order….  Under what circumstances can the bishop refuse my request?

Being incardinated in the diocese, the bishop is responsible for my living; as a hermit, I should be responsible for my own.  Is there a canonical process for releasing the diocese from responsibility for me while also remaining in said diocese as a hermit? –Father V. Continue reading

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Establishing Dioceses and Parishes in Mission Lands

Q:  While doing some historical research, I found that my parish church which is 152 years old, when its foundations were laid, had belonged to the Apostolic Vicariate of [X] and the mission of [Y].  I understood these terms as “pre-diocesan” and “pre-parish.”  Is my understanding correct?

When I searched more on this, I found that there are other terms such as Apostolic administrations, prefectures and territorial prelates.  Can you please explain what these are? –Lahiru Continue reading

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Bishops Interfering in Parish Ministry, Part II

Q:  The bishop of [a diocese in the US] is giving an annual retreat which nearly every priest in the diocese must attend, leaving parishes without priests, daily Mass, and access to the sacraments for four days.  He stated that this is necessary because “Their priestly ministry blesses us in many ways. They have many responsibilities but first and foremost they must be men of prayer. Without the foundation of a prayer life and a relationship with the Lord, their ministry would become empty.”

But what could be more important in their ministry than for Catholics to have access to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the sacraments?  Is this legally allowed in Canon Law?  Thank you. –John Continue reading

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Bishops Interfering in Parish Ministry, Part I

Q: I am a priest in the Diocese of X….  Our bishop has told us pastors that we must all submit our schedule of Masses to his office for approval.  He has mandated a maximum number of Masses we pastors can schedule on Saturdays, on Sundays, and on weekdays.

Ostensibly this is for our good.  The bishop claims he doesn’t want us priests to be overworked … [because] there is a tremendous shortage of priests in our diocese.  Yet I know far better than my bishop what my parish needs.  I have been the pastor here for nearly a decade, during which time the bishop has visited us a grand total of five times, only for Confirmation, for just a couple of hours.

…If I know that my parishioners will fill three Sunday Masses at different times because that’s what works best for them, how can the bishop insist that I am only permitted to schedule two Sunday Masses because he cares about my health?  We also have a solid crowd at Saturday morning Mass, and another crowd at the Saturday evening vigil, but the bishop has informed me that I can’t have two Masses on Saturday because it’s too much for me.  Good heavens, I can always find a retired priest to help out if I need help….  I realize that I owe obedience to the bishop, but he is hindering effective ministry to the people of our diocese with these intrusive rules.  I will gladly tell him what I am doing if he asks, but why should I have to ask permission to do my job?  –Father F. Continue reading

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