Q: A friend of mine told me that his pastor routinely admits Episcopalians to Holy Communion. He explained that the local Episcopal church closes for several months, since it’s located in a resort town. The Catholic pastor has an “arrangement” with the Episcopal minister that the local Episcopalians come to the Catholic parish for Sunday Mass and receive Holy Communion during those months. They would otherwise have to drive about ten miles to another Episcopal parish. They go back to their own church when it reopens.
To my simple mind, this situation doesn’t meet the criteria for reception of Holy Communion by non-Catholic Christians. Driving ten miles in these parts is nothing, we all drive farther than that to the mall, etc., so it isn’t an arduous situation.
Certainly it is wonderful that the nice Episcopalians want to come to Mass, but they should not be admitted to Holy Communion, I don’t think. Am I thinking straight? –David Continue reading