How Often Does the Pope Change Canon Law?

Q: You mention on your website that nobody but the Pope can change the Code of Canon Law. I’m wondering how often he really does that, if ever? Civil legislatures change laws and enact new laws every week, but I never seem to hear of canon law being changed. Or are such changes not made public? –Alyssa

A: Alyssa actually asked this question some time ago, but it’s particularly relevant now that Pope Francis has just made some changes to the legal procedure required in marriage-nullity cases. Continue reading

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Why Are Some Suggesting That Francis’ Election Was Invalid?

Q1: I’ve read Vatican-commentators who claim that Pope Francis’ election may have been invalid, because he agreed to an agenda reforming the Church as the other cardinals wanted him to, and they say you can’t validly be elected Pope if you’ve cut a deal in advance of the conclave like that.  Can this be true?  They quote the law and it sounds pretty convincing….  –Marion

Q2: Is it true that according to canon law, a Jesuit cannot become Pope? –Phil Continue reading

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Canon Law and Bishops of Bling

Q: In the past year or so there have been quite a few revelations about Catholic bishops living in lavish homes as if they were royalty….  What does canon law have to say about this?  –Robin

A: Robin is right about the revelations.  German readers in particular are undoubtedly aware of the removal of the Bishop of Limburg—now known worldwide as the “Bishop of Bling”—from his diocese back in 2013, primarily because of the scandal caused by his extravagant expenditures on the episcopal residence there.  In the U.S. just a few months later, the Bishop of Atlanta publicly apologized to his diocese for spending over $2 million on a new bishop’s residence.  What’s going on here? Continue reading

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(Repost:) Clergy and Summer Vacation

Q: Our pastor seems to go on vacation constantly. This year, he already spent one week at a retreat house, left on numerous short trips to see his relatives, and now he’s going away for two weeks to Florida—and it’s only July!  Doesn’t a pastor of a parish have the obligation to spend his time working at the parish rather than constantly taking these trips?  –Lucas Continue reading

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Can a Catholic Ever Attend an Orthodox Liturgy Instead of Sunday Mass?

Q:  I would like to know if my children and I (Roman Catholics) meet our Sunday obligation at an Orthodox Divine Liturgy?  Canon law seems to reference meeting the obligation “anywhere a Catholic rite is offered.”  Therefore, strictly speaking, I would imagine the answer is yes.

I need to know what my obligations are as I consider what Orthodoxy has to offer.  I feel led to Orthodoxy and this is a recurring experience. I have attended Byzantine Catholic liturgy and if they were less than two hours away I’d just go there regularly. –Natalie Continue reading

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