Q: I have recently discovered that my Presbyterian baptism was invalid (improper matter—baptizing with no flowing water). No investigation was done at the time of my conversion [to Catholicism], only a request for a baptismal certificate and so it was accepted by the Church at the time.
The method used was as follows: the Presbyterian minister dipped his fingertips into a bowl of water (so they were moistened but not dripping), then patted me on the top of the head 3 times. Any water present on his fingers would only have touched my hair. I remember it clearly, as I was 12 years old. I was also able to contact him to verify. Several priests I have spoken with indicated that this would not suffice for proper matter.
Since I was not validly baptized, am I correct that all my other sacraments were invalid as well (therefore, my confirmation & marriage would need to be repeated to be valid & I should also not attempt to receive absolution or Holy Communion until I am validly baptized)? My husband is a cradle Catholic, if that affects your response. –Irma Continue reading