Q: We recently lost our priest and the priest from another church was named the administrator.
Now there is internal fighting on who reports to whom and who’s in charge.
I think that the DRE [Director of Religious Education] is in charge of all the various faith committees. The Office Manager is in charge of all office business, maintenance, cleaning and secretarial staff. I feel that the DRE and the Office Manager are supposed to work together, but neither is each other’s boss.
I feel that both the DRE and the Office Manager report to the Administrator… I keep hearing that canon law says the DRE is in charge of the parish and everyone reports to her.
What is canon law on this? –Denise
A: The “canon law on this” is very straightforward, so it’s not clear why there is so much apparent confusion at Denise’s parish. Let’s first take a look at what the law says about who’s in charge of what, when a parish priest is at the head of a parish (as is the norm). Then we can look at how things change—or don’t—when a parish loses its priest and is waiting for the bishop to appoint a new one. Continue reading