Q1: What’s the difference between a nun and a consecrated virgin? I assumed the two terms were synonymous, until I read recently about a new Vatican document on the topic of consecrated virgins, and it sounds like they are something different from nuns…. Aren’t all nuns consecrated virgins? If not, what does this term mean, then? –Karen
Q2: I have been discerning consecrated virginity for several years now but I am not sure if I am qualified. While I have never engaged in any sexual activity with another person, I have in the past violated chastity in the form of solitary vice. So while I have physical virginity to bring, I don’t have intact chastity, and I find it difficult to determine whether it matters or not, in terms of canonically or morally excluding me.
The issue of what constitutes virginity seems to be quite complex, in that on the one hand it seems to be understood “morally” as having abstained with integrity from sexual pleasure, and on the other hand to be much more literally a matter of not having engaged voluntarily in actual sex. My own impression of the liturgy of consecration is that it is the latter that is important, but I am not an expert on these things.
I’m finding it difficult to get people to understand that CV isn’t like “modern” religious life, and that it does actually matter what’s happened in the past as well. I can’t get anyone to understand why I think it is a problem. I think the religious order most of my advice comes from have long since made the decision that repentance is sufficient and don’t understand why it isn’t in this specific circumstance, despite theology. –Hannah Continue reading