What’s the Difference Between a Nun and a Consecrated Virgin?

Q1: What’s the difference between a nun and a consecrated virgin?  I assumed the two terms were synonymous, until I read recently about a new Vatican document on the topic of consecrated virgins, and it sounds like they are something different from nuns….  Aren’t all nuns consecrated virgins?  If not, what does this term mean, then? –Karen

Q2: I have been discerning consecrated virginity for several years now but I am not sure if I am qualified.  While I have never engaged in any sexual activity with another person, I have in the past violated chastity in the form of solitary vice.  So while I have physical virginity to bring, I don’t have intact chastity, and I find it difficult to determine whether it matters or not, in terms of canonically or morally excluding me.

The issue of what constitutes virginity seems to be quite complex, in that on the one hand it seems to be understood “morally” as having abstained with integrity from sexual pleasure, and on the other hand to be much more literally a matter of not having engaged voluntarily in actual sex.  My own impression of the liturgy of consecration is that it is the latter that is important, but I am not an expert on these things.

I’m finding it difficult to get people to understand that CV isn’t like “modern” religious life, and that it does actually matter what’s happened in the past as well.  I can’t get anyone to understand why I think it is a problem.  I think the religious order most of my advice comes from have long since made the decision that repentance is sufficient and don’t understand why it isn’t in this specific circumstance, despite theology. –Hannah Continue reading

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Does a Convert Become a Latin or an Eastern Catholic?

Q: I have a question about the church membership of an adult convert to Catholicism.

My grandparents were Greek Melkite Catholics. Their son, my father, drifted away from Catholicism, married a protestant woman, and began attending protestant services.

I was raised and baptized in a protestant church.  When I went to college, I felt called to become Catholic.  The pastor investigated my protestant baptism, and concluded that because it did not use the Trinitarian formula it was invalid.  So I was baptized at the Easter Vigil.

A month later, I was talking to both my pastor and a Greek Melkite Catholic priest visiting from my grandparents’ hometown. I mentioned my grandparents and said that they are, in fact, Greek Melkite Catholics, though I myself was raised protestant. Hearing this, the visiting priest suggested that I am actually a member of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church, because church membership is inherited through the male line.

My pastor says that’s not possible and explains that I was just baptized at the Easter Vigil. The visiting priest replies that the child of an Eastern Catholic is always an Eastern Catholic, and if I really want to be a Latin Catholic, I have to write a letter to Rome.

But the pastor argued that my father’s failure to raise me as any kind of Catholic or have me validly baptized broke the chain of membership and left me free to join a new church. Both priests say that I can attend Mass wherever I want, but my actual church membership will be significant for marrying or having children.  Each priest, though, believes his position is the correct one.  Which is right? –Abe Continue reading

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What Makes a Baptism Catholic?

Q1: What makes a Catholic baptism Catholic?

I’m a lay Roman Catholic who just started working as a hospital chaplain, which means I may be called upon to administer emergency baptisms in some cases.  If I baptize, for example, an infant whose parents are Catholic, is that infant considered Catholic?  I assume, I guess, that the Catholic faith is what makes someone Catholic (whether you’re a consenting adult or you’re a child under the age of reason, in which case the Catholic faith of your parents would make you Catholic).  Is that assumption correct? –Nathan

Q2: I am a parish secretary and am responsible for recording sacraments in our books…. I have been coming across students who have just made their First Communion and Confirmation but were baptized in a Protestant church.

I have no information on why these children weren’t baptized Catholic, when or if their parent(s) were received into the Catholic Church and if so, how old the child was at the time.  I suspect in some of these cases there was at least one Catholic parent but he/she for some reason allowed for their child to be baptized in a Protestant church.

I asked our pastor about whether I need to create a record in our baptismal register for these children baptized outside the Catholic Church who are now making their other sacraments. Our pastor didn’t understand what I was talking about and said I only need to record in the First Communion and Confirmation log books. To my knowledge, these children never made a profession of faith/were officially received into the Catholic Church.

I am confused about this. Is there more information that these parents should be providing to our parish about the circumstances of their child’s baptism? Are these children supposed to actually be going through RCIA? I think our pastor might be incorrect in how he views these cases. –Mary Continue reading

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Can the Pastor Set a Minimum Age for Baptism?

Q:  Canonically speaking, may the pastor/parish set a minimum age of 4 months old for the baptism of an infant?  If not, what steps should be taken by parents who want their child baptized before that age?  We have a grandchild due at the end of February and we and his parents would like him to be baptized ASAP, perhaps Easter Sunday.  Thank you. –Michelle Continue reading

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When Does a Catholic Book Need an Imprimatur?

Q: I have questions regarding books that are supposed to have Church approval on them.  If a book deals with religion/morals and is being sold in a church, does it only need the Imprimatur, or does it need the Imprimatur AND the Nihil Obstat together?

Would it be sinful (under canon law) to read a book that deals with religion/morals that doesn’t have authorization, but is displayed at churches or is a prayer book?  I’ve seen a couple of examples of Catholic books being displayed in churches that don’t have the authorization on them.

I have been confused about this and not read some books I have because of my confusion. –Neil Continue reading

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