Can a Child Be Baptized Catholic, If One Parent Strenuously Objects?

Q: My ex-wife and I met, married in, and agreed to raise our children in the Mormon faith.  About three years ago she decided to leave me and returned to the Catholic Church after 25 years in the Mormon Church.  She took our son and had him baptized in the Catholic Church without my knowledge.

After I found out I spoke with the priest and asked that no more Catholic sacraments be administered to my son without my consent.  I later learned that First Communion was administered as were also Last Rites prior to an operation.

I want to be involved in all aspects of my son’s religious upbringing.  Does canon law allow me any rights to be involved with parish decisions regarding my son?  And how well founded is the hope that my son will be raised Catholic, if only my ex-wife is the one teaching him Catholicism and I’m still teaching him Mormonism?  –Bryan Continue reading

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Which Tribunal Has Authority to Annul My Marriage?

Q: I am Catholic and I was married to a Catholic for 20 years. She divorced me and I never expected to marry again.  But then I met a woman who had also recently divorced. We decided to get married.

We both submitted annulment paperwork for our first marriages to an Orthodox Archbishop, and both were granted…  The Orthodox Archbishop later married my current wife and me.  Based on reading your articles, I believed this to be a valid marriage.

My local Catholic parish priest accepted our annulment and marriage as valid and allowed us to continue in good grace in our local Catholic Church… However, my ex-wife is now challenging the legitimacy of my marriage to my current wife.

My parish priest continues to support us but I’m preparing myself for whatever challenge may come as to the validity of my Orthodox marriage. Can you please provide some insight and guidance into my situation? –Clint Continue reading

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If I Become a Catholic, What Happens to My Marriage? (Part I)

Q1: Can I be received into the Catholic Church if I was not married by a Catholic priest? –Rachel

Q2: I was divorced from a Catholic in 2012. Our marriage was not in a Catholic Church nor administered by the Catholic clergy.  I am not Catholic, but I am in RCIA classes now and looking forward to becoming baptized in the Catholic Church this Easter.

There are some questions on whether the Church can proceed with my baptism prior to invalidating this previous marriage.  My Church is telling me I must receive my ex’s baptismal certificate, to invalidate the marriage, or I cannot be baptized. My ex will not cooperate with this request. She will under no circumstance make available her baptismal record, or reveal in what Church she was baptized. My deacon called her and she refused cooperation with him as well.

Can you enlighten me on any recourse I might have to be able to proceed with baptism?  Can I receive special dispensation from the Church to proceed with my baptism? –Jim Continue reading

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When Can Parish Buildings be Rented Out for Secular Use?

Q: Our parish church is located in a two-story building. The church where we have Mass is on the first floor and there is classroom space on the second floor.

The bishop has decided to lease the classroom space to a public school. I am very much opposed to this (as are others) for numerous reasons.

Does a bishop have the right to do this? In other words, is there anything in canon law forbidding him to do this including, but not limited to, the forbiddence (sic) in canon law to use such property for sordid use?  Inasmuch as the public school will be free to invite representatives from the “Planned Parenthood” abortion facility to promote the culture of death to some or all of the students, I would think that constitutes sordid use.

Do we parishioners and/or the pastor have any say in what will happen in this matter regarding the classroom space? –Patrick Continue reading

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What’s the Difference Between a Cathedral Rector and a Parish Priest?

Q: Greetings, who is in charge of a Cathedral Parish? The Bishop or the Priest?

Our priest (he is listed as the “Rector”) states it is his parish, but I feel obligated to obey what our Bishop states to be done when he is there celebrating. –Gary Continue reading

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