Can Priests Cancel Public Masses, and Say a Private Mass Instead?

Q:  I’d like to help my fellow parishioners clarify the difference between “canceling all Masses,” and priests who are saying a “private” Mass and either recording it or live-streaming it for the faithful to watch from home.

Would this be a correct statement: It’s not that Masses are cancelled; it’s that the faithful coming to church to celebrate puts everyone at risk of spreading this virus … thus Mass continues to be celebrated privately, often live-streamed or recorded and posted online, and the faithful are encouraged to follow the local laws to stay-at-home.

More succinctly, is it accurate to say: “Banning public gatherings does not cancel Mass; it changes how it is celebrated”?  Thank you. –Julie Continue reading

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Pope Francis’ Letter to the Priests of Rome, on Ministry During the Pandemic

Dear Readers,

A number of people have asked about Pope Francis’ March 13 letter to the priests of Rome, which was mentioned briefly in “Do Bishops Have the Authority to Cancel Masses Completely?”  It appears that this letter has not been published on any English-language website.  For that reason, it seems useful to post it here. Continue reading

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Holy Week in the Era of Coronavirus

Q:  The pastor of my parish told me that your recent article is wrong.  He says that both Cardinal Sarah [Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship] and Pope Francis approved of the bishops’ decision to cancel all Masses.  The pastor claims that this is proven by Cardinal Sarah’s decree about how to handle Holy Week and the Easter Triduum.

This doesn’t make any sense to me.  What am I missing?…  Can you figure out why my pastor thinks that the Pope okayed what the bishops in [my country] have done? –Dean Continue reading

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Do Bishops Have the Authority to Cancel Masses Completely?

Q1: The Irish Bishops have decided to cancel all public Masses and have told us that we have a dispensation from Sunday Mass obligations as a result of the Coronavirus.  Is this permissible? –Eileen

Q2:  As a follow up to your most recent question/answer on receiving communion, can a Bishop cancel Masses for an indefinite period of time, essentially prohibit all public worship on an open- ended basis, and dispense EVERYONE generally from Sunday Mass attendance and Holy Days of Obligation? It seems there has to be some limitation on this authority. –Marc

Q3: The Bishop here in Singapore decided to cancel and/or suspend all public Masses indefinitely.  Given that under Canon Law the faithful – who are not otherwise under some legal impediment or sanction – have a right to receive the sacraments (Canon 213), including assisting at Mass and receiving the Holy Eucharist, and bearing in mind especially that Sunday is the “primordial holy day of obligation” (Canon  1246 §1), it’s not clear to me whether a diocesan bishop even has authority to cancel or suspend public Masses at his own bidding and discretion.  Pursuant to which provision in Canon Law may a diocesan bishop suspend or cancel public Masses? –Ian Continue reading

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Can We Be Required to Receive Communion in the Hand, Because of the Virus?

Q: The bishop of my diocese has decreed that because of the Coronavirus outbreak, we Catholics can only receive Communion in the hand, not on the tongue.  Can he do that? –Kayla Continue reading

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