Q1: Wondering if you would comment on this article? The author urged Catholics in America not to give a cent to our parishes so long as they are closed because of coronavirus. He also says more generally that we shouldn’t donate to any Catholic charity that is operated by the bishops, because they have betrayed the faithful by abandoning us.
He links to one of your posts, but he does not suggest that this was your idea…. I thought we Catholics were obliged to support the Church financially if we are able…. –Russell
Q2: I looked through your archive but did not see anything on the precepts of the Church. How many are there nowadays? When I was growing up there were six. The Catechism at 2042-3 lists five…. Then they throw in at the end of 2043 the obligation to contribute to the material support of the Church; though it is not numbered in the CCC, it was always one of the traditional precepts. Some lists also include the obligation to be married in accordance with the laws of the Church. That was always one of the traditional six precepts. Other lists I found on the web include the obligation to participate in the evangelization of peoples. Can you help sort this out? –Father S. Continue reading