Category Archives: Rights of the Faithful

Can Laypeople Hold Top Vatican Positions?

Q: My husband and I are hoping that you can clear up our confusion about the significance of this article … about Pope Francis reorganizing the different offices in the Vatican.  It sounds to us like the Pope says that … Continue reading

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Leaving a Novice in Limbo

Q: Hello, I am a novice in [a religious institute in Rome]….  I have been a novice for ten years, and keep waiting for the novice master to decide that I can take my vows, but the time always gets … Continue reading

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Getting Married on One’s Deathbed

Q:  Sometimes people get married in the hospital, because one of the spouses is dying and they want to be married before that person dies.  I’m assuming that in these unusual circumstances the Church’s strict canon laws can get relaxed.  … Continue reading

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Can We Receive Holy Communion Twice on Christmas Day? (Repost)

Dear Readers, the era of rampant virus-hysteria and wholesale violation of the rights of the faithful to Mass and the sacraments has not ended!  This year, Catholics in some parts of the world (see this article about Berlin, Germany, for … Continue reading

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Can a Catholic Sue the Church in Civil Court?

Q: Does a person have the right, both moral and legal, under canon law, to sue a Church Institution and/or the individuals in authority over the institutions in civil court, whether they be bishops or lay persons?  In particular, I’m … Continue reading

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