Category Archives: Other Canonical Questions

Founding New Religious Institutes: Pope Francis Changes the Law (Episcopal Authority, Part II)

Q: A group of us Catholics in our diocese have a lawfully erected lay institute that’s now almost 15 years old … [and] from the beginning it was our understanding that if it prospers, it might later be formed into … Continue reading

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Retranslating the Liturgy: Pope Francis Changes the Law (Episcopal Authority, Part I)

Q: Some ladies at our parish are all aflutter because they read somewhere that the Vatican has changed the rules on translation of liturgical rites into the vernacular.  Specifically, bishops are now permitted to translate the Mass and other rites … Continue reading

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Using (And Misusing) Donations to the Church

Q1: Suppose a parishioner donates an article, such as a crucifix, for the church’s main Crucifix, and it is accepted for that use and purpose.  Does canon 1300, or any other canon, say anything about whether another pastor can decide … Continue reading

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Should We Contact the Papal Nuncio?

Q:  Our pastor is being attacked by the bishop….  Is it better to contact the Vatican directly, or do you think we should go through the papal nuncio? –Tess

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When Can a Bishop Intervene in a Lay Association of the Faithful?

Q:  Greetings!  We have a certain Lay Association of Catholic Faithful in our diocese.  The association has a spiritual director appointed by the bishop.  That spiritual director suspended a member from the association, on the grounds of erroneous doctrinal teachings, … Continue reading

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