Category Archives: Holy Mass

Canon Law and Consecrating the Eucharist

Q:  Is it permitted for a priest who notices he did not consecrate enough Hosts to step to the side, with another paten of unconsecrated hosts, and perform a second consecration of just those hosts (not also consecrating wine a … Continue reading

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The Eucharist and Sacramental Validity, Part II

Q: How are some priests who are recovering alcoholics permitted to use grape juice instead of wine at Mass? Don’t you have to use wine to have a valid consecration of the Eucharist? –Doug A: Doug’s question is, in a … Continue reading

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The Eucharist and Sacramental Validity, Part I

Q:  One of my fellow-parishioners has a violent allergy to wheat, so he can’t receive the Eucharist under the form of bread. He has to receive from the chalice instead. Why can’t priests get permission to use some other type … Continue reading

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Does Mass Have to be Said in a Church?

Q: Does a priest have to say Mass in a church?  –Paula A: Now this is a simple question with an answer that is perhaps more complex than one would think! When Canon 897 states that the Eucharistic Sacrifice is … Continue reading

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Canon Law and Altar Girls

Q: What does canon law say about altar girls?  How did we end up with altar girls after so many centuries without them? –Ginnie A: The whole issue of permitting girls to serve at the altar has become so ideologically … Continue reading

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