Category Archives: Holy Mass

Can a Bishop Forbid a Priest to Say Mass?

Q: Some women in our diocese have started a prayer-group, and somehow they got on the wrong side of the bishop, who has told them privately to tone it down. Among other things, they wanted a priest who’s not from … Continue reading

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Do Priests Have to Say Mass Every Day?

Q1: My husband and I watched a movie about medieval knights recently, and in it there were some monks who all went to their chapel in the middle of the night to pray and sing together. Is that still done … Continue reading

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Who May Preach?

Q: Nowadays in our parish we constantly have guest speakers preach at Sunday Masses. Sometimes it’s a visiting missionary priest, or somebody from the bishop’s office; other times it’s the parish council president, or the school principal, or the head … Continue reading

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Holydays of Obligation, Part I

Q: Last year we were on vacation overseas on the feast of the Assumption, which is a holyday of obligation. We went to Mass and hardly anybody was there. It seemed like it was an ordinary weekday Mass to everybody … Continue reading

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Mass Intentions and Stipends (Part I)

Q: The noon Mass last Sunday was supposed to be offered for my deceased grandmother. I scheduled the Mass with the parish secretary and gave a monetary offering long ago. The bulletin listed my grandmother as the intention for that … Continue reading

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